So you’ve decided you need a tutor. Great choice! Tutors can help you catch up when you’re falling behind, or propel you into excellence if you’re aiming high. Ultimately though, every tutor is different and reading profile after profile can be overwhelming. Here are 4 tips to help you find the best tutor for you.… Continue reading How to Find The Best Tutors – What to Look For In A Tutor!
Tag: atar
How to Maintain Focus While Studying?
Maintaining focus is very important if you want to study efficiently and effectively, here are some tips that will help you to develop a successful study style. 1. Sleep to remember, remember to sleep. Studies show that getting the right amount of sleep (6-8 hours) improves your hormones, it will give you more natural energy… Continue reading How to Maintain Focus While Studying?
Tips for Supporting Your Child in Year 11 and 12
Parents go pretty unappreciated. Through all our teenage years, they suffer through our headache-inducing whining, our innumerable bad decisions, and the joy of being an unpaid chauffeur to every party. But honestly? I couldn’t have gotten through Year 11 and 12 without my parents and their support. To all the parents out there: you underestimate… Continue reading Tips for Supporting Your Child in Year 11 and 12
Will anyone care about your ATAR in a year?
The short answer: no. When you’re in the pressure cooker of year twelve it can feel as if this single number, which you are expending so much of your energy to attain, will define your life. But here’s the good news: I can, as someone who’s had an ATAR for two years now, can 100%… Continue reading Will anyone care about your ATAR in a year?
Hacks to Avoid Burnout in Year 11 & 12!
Year 11 & 12 = stress. That’s what everyone says, right? But what if you could not only learn to cope but thrive in the high-pressured environment? Let’s look at some ways of transforming your experience into one of the best years of your life. Reward yourself. Giving yourself consistent positive reinforcements is super important… Continue reading Hacks to Avoid Burnout in Year 11 & 12!
Can I get better at writing?
When I started tutoring, I was surprised by how many students were still wondering about this at a Year 12 level. I’m sure you’ve been told countless times by your teachers, tutors, friends and family that OF COURSE, you can get better at writing, ‘it just takes practice – as does everything.’ But it’s important… Continue reading Can I get better at writing?
Top Tips to Success in Year 11 & Year 12!
Make a to-do list Before you go to bed every night, sit down and write a list of what work you want to complete in the next day. This could involve using a whiteboard, or even a notepad. Write down each task in order of importance, with the task you want to complete first at… Continue reading Top Tips to Success in Year 11 & Year 12!
From School to Uni: The Transition
The biggest relief in the world will be the day you finish your last exam, and it is time to do all the crazy things which you all have planned over the course of year 12! But for most of you, another adventure awaits 4 months after that final exam day… UNIVERSITY! Stepping from secondary… Continue reading From School to Uni: The Transition
How to Prepare for the VCE English Exam (Last Minute Advice from a 50-Scorer)
Studying for a subject like English can seem like a massive task, and is very tempting to leave to the last minute! I’m here to reassure you that if you study intelligently, you don’t need to put in the same number of hours that go into many other subjects. There are actually heaps of easy… Continue reading How to Prepare for the VCE English Exam (Last Minute Advice from a 50-Scorer)
How to Think for Yourself in VCE English & Literature
In subjects like English, Literature and even Media, students don’t see the light – their vision is blurred by curriculums, course structures, study guides and even the ideas circulated in a class by their teachers. One needs to realise that all of the content in these subjects is open to interpretation, meaning that one can… Continue reading How to Think for Yourself in VCE English & Literature