Many of you may be considering going into university after you finish high school, however a lot of you may be wondering what is university like, how will you know it is something for you because university is not for everyone. How is high school similar to university? Assessments – in most units you will… Continue reading What Is University Like!? Here’s Your Answer
Stress Management Techniques & Motivational Techniques!
Identifying signs of unhealthy stress: Feeling tired all the time Feeling like you’re running on adrenaline all the time Being forgetful Experiencing headaches and tension especially in the head, neck and shoulders Poor appetite No longer interested in certain activities and don’t look forward to anything Increased anxiety and irritability Increased heart rate Dizziness Blurred… Continue reading Stress Management Techniques & Motivational Techniques!
VCE English Language – Euphemism of the Year?
In today’s post, I want to show you a VERY MODERN example of how euphemism has been used in corporate speak in the media recently and how this ties into its obfuscatory and confusing purpose. First, watch the video here at the top of this page to give you context: To give you some context, I… Continue reading VCE English Language – Euphemism of the Year?
What are the Different University Degree Levels?
Starting university can be a confusing time for school leavers, especially when they are unsure of the next path to take. Understanding the different levels of university degrees is a good start to help students feel confident when making these decisions and make the most of their time at university. Associates Degrees The first level… Continue reading What are the Different University Degree Levels?
Effective Study Techniques
There is no one way to study and if you are comfortable with the technique that you have adopted to study, then by all means keep doing that. However, this section will go through some of the ways you can study effectively. This is only a brief overview and relevant links to websites will be… Continue reading Effective Study Techniques
Pathways for University After High School
We talked previously about how the ATAR is used to get into university. However, you may not get the ATAR required to get into your dream course, but that doesn’t mean your journey ends there. Universities have various pathways that will allow you to study your dream course, so don’t be disheartened when you don’t… Continue reading Pathways for University After High School
What Is The ATAR? What you need to know.
1. What is the ATAR? ATAR is short for “Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank” and is a percentile ranking that shows a student’s achievement relative to others student in a given cohort (ie. VCE or HSC). The ATAR has been adopted in Australia for use by universities to assess which students to make offers to for… Continue reading What Is The ATAR? What you need to know.
Cohesion in Texts, and in your Writing
Time flies when you’re having fun, and term 1 is already done. So is March, and the way that calendars work mean that it is now April, which also means that I am writing another article for your reading pleasure, and educational benefit. The educational benefit that this article aims to provide you with is… Continue reading Cohesion in Texts, and in your Writing
Top 10 Best Techniques & Methods to Study
Repetition It has been said time and time again, repetition is key. For a piece of information to be absorbed by the brain, it typically takes three rounds of repetition. Re-writing notes by hand is the most effective study method, relative to only re-reading or re-typing them. Flash cards One of the best ways to… Continue reading Top 10 Best Techniques & Methods to Study
The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language
Does your school offer Chinese or Italian? French or Japanese? Indonesian or Spanish? These are often perceived by students as the most difficult subjects to choose, and therefore are avoided. Others might think that these are subjects which will not be applicable to their lives. However, there are so many benefits reaped from learning a… Continue reading The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language