Study Smart, Not Hard

Anyone sick of that person who won’t stop talking about how many hours a night they study? What if you could prove to them that it’s not how many hours you study that counts, but how you study? The number of hours you study is pointless if you aren’t actually achieving much during this time.… Continue reading Study Smart, Not Hard

Categorised as General

Should I Get a Tutor?

The decision to employ a tutor is not simple. There are a range of reasons to get a tutor, but ultimately it comes down to your personal situation and needs. The best thing you can do is be up-front with a prospective tutor, so that they can tailor their teaching to meet your specific needs.… Continue reading Should I Get a Tutor?

Categorised as General, VCE

Life After VCE – Is An Arts Degree Worth It?

In defence of the Arts degree: flexibility and change during life after school When I left school I wanted to be ‘like, a serious literary writer’. I was a self-confessed literature snob who raved about Jane Eyre, and turned my nose up at young adult fiction (sorry Hunger Games). I had harboured aspirations to become… Continue reading Life After VCE – Is An Arts Degree Worth It?

Source the Best Examples for VCE English Language Essays

It may be the one thing you dread most, amid analytical commentaries and memorising metalanguage: finding language examples for your essays that will impress the examiners. It’s a daunting task – you want your examples to be as specific as possible and also relevant, both to the topic you’re given and this decade. You’re forced… Continue reading Source the Best Examples for VCE English Language Essays

Categorised as VCE

Modern Example of Egalitarianism from Malcolm Turnbull

Hey guys, I believe the introduction of this unit coincides perfectly with the upcoming elections for 2016. Australian ‘pollies’ want to relate to us, so what better way to do it than to appeal to Australian cultural values? That will surely be a way to help our politicians to relate socially to the everyday ‘Aussie’.… Continue reading Modern Example of Egalitarianism from Malcolm Turnbull

Subject-Specific Facebook Groups for Learnmate WACE Tutors

The benefits include: 1. Share resources between current tutors of the same subject group. 2. Discuss specific advice for teaching techniques in WACE. 3. Discuss key concepts in WACE, and discuss updates to the study design. 4. Discuss physical in-person meetups with other Learnmate tutors. 5. Any other relevant discussions peculiar to WACE. When prompted,… Continue reading Subject-Specific Facebook Groups for Learnmate WACE Tutors

Knowing When It’s Okay to Chill Out During Year 12!

That is the question. And the answer? Relax! I know, I know, this is a controversial topic to bring up among year 11 and 12 students. These are two very big years for you; you should be working hard, acing all your SACs, aiming to get an outstanding ATAR, pleasing your teachers and parents. You’ll… Continue reading Knowing When It’s Okay to Chill Out During Year 12!

Discourse Particle Functions for VCE English Language Students

As the exam is only a couple of weeks away, it’s important that you begin to finalise your knowledge of key content in the study design. One particular area that many students struggle with is discourse particles and their associated functions. This is from Unit 3 AOS 1 (mainly), and if you get an informally… Continue reading Discourse Particle Functions for VCE English Language Students

My Tips for Success in VCE Chemistry

Chemistry is one of those subjects that many people find difficult to grasp and there are a variety of reasons for this. However, the purpose of this article is not to dwell on those issues, but rather this article is aimed to show you how you can be more successful in Chemistry in 2017. Go… Continue reading My Tips for Success in VCE Chemistry

Language Learning: Interview With A Trilingual Person

Nadia is trilingual: she speaks Japanese, Spanish, and her first language is English. I interviewed her to give some personal insight into language learning for those in school who are looking for ideas, or need some inspiration! When did you start learning new languages, and why? Let’s see… so I first started learning Spanish in… Continue reading Language Learning: Interview With A Trilingual Person

Categorised as General, VCE