Once you know basic differentiation and can use both the Product and Quotient Rules, you need to get the hang of differentiating more tricky expressions. This short course will help you do just that with tips and tricks, not to mention a few exercises to get the hang of it too! If you want to… Continue reading Math Methods – Differentiation 3/5 – Exponential etc
Do you know the definitions of the following terms?
Do you know the definitions of the following terms? There are some terms in Chemistry that you should be familiar with. Understanding the meaning of these terms will help you understand the concepts. The terms listed in this article have been taken mainly from Units 1 and 2 Chemistry, but they are also important in… Continue reading Do you know the definitions of the following terms?
Questions and Examples of A Spoken Transcript
VCE English Language – Sample Spoken Transcript & Questions! In today’s post, I’d like to present to students a sample informal spoken transcript along with some questions that I have created for you. I found the transcript online through a UK website and from this I formed my own questions. Hint: go to Google and… Continue reading Questions and Examples of A Spoken Transcript
What are the Benefits of Online Tutoring?
The decision to engage a tutor is a big one. It involves bringing someone new into your life to help you achieve the goals that are important to you. In addition to finding a tutor that is the right fit, you will need to decide how to engage with them – in-person, or as is… Continue reading What are the Benefits of Online Tutoring?
Set Texts: When to Read Them and How To Read Them
It is always a little bit daunting being an English or Literature student returning from the annual back to school shop. Among all the new stationery and textbooks, there are anywhere between four to ten books (if you happen to be studying both subjects!) that you will need to learn like the back of your… Continue reading Set Texts: When to Read Them and How To Read Them
Revision Tips To Be Successful in VCE Chemistry
There is with a doubt a lot to learn in the new VCE Chemistry course, and some of you may find it difficult to retain all that knowledge. So how can you ensure that you can achieve your best in Chemistry? Consistent revision throughout the year is what is needed! When you sit in a… Continue reading Revision Tips To Be Successful in VCE Chemistry
Informal Conversations and Spontaneity
Hello everyone, here is my article for February, which focuses on a couple of key features of informal conversations, which you will discuss in Unit 3, Area of Study 1. You will be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of these conversations with either short answer sections, analytical commentaries, or a combination of the two. The… Continue reading Informal Conversations and Spontaneity
Benefits of Meditation for Students
There are several strategies which students engage in in order to keep their stress levels under control and improve their overall well-being. Some of these include playing sports, going for walks and making time for friends and family. Another strategy which may not be as common across all students is practicing meditation. However, meditation is… Continue reading Benefits of Meditation for Students
Topic and Floor Management in Conversations
School is back and so am I. This article will primarily focus on some of the main features of conversation management that you will need to be aware of for the year, especially for Area of Study 1 in unit 3. Although these features primarily feature in informal contexts and they are more integral to… Continue reading Topic and Floor Management in Conversations
Stoichiometry Explained in VCE Chemistry 3/4
Understanding Stoichiometry – VCE Chemistry Stoichiometry is a term used to describe the calculation based on the chemical equations. It was a concept that was introduced to you in Unit 2 Chemistry and is a concept that is still very relevant in Year 12 Chemistry. Many students find the concept of stoichiometry very difficult (I… Continue reading Stoichiometry Explained in VCE Chemistry 3/4