Hey all tutors! Part of the tutoring process is ensuring that your students get amazing results – that’s simply the reason as to why students/parents come to us! That’s it really. However, sometimes students may not get the results they want – why, you ask? There are a variety of factors, which I’ve addressed in… Continue reading What To Do If You Get An Unsatisfactory Result In SAC
Top 10 Best Techniques & Methods to Study
Repetition It has been said time and time again, repetition is key. For a piece of information to be absorbed by the brain, it typically takes three rounds of repetition. Re-writing notes by hand is the most effective study method, relative to only re-reading or re-typing them. Flash cards One of the best ways to… Continue reading Top 10 Best Techniques & Methods to Study
Parent’s Survival Guide – How to Remain Sane & Supportive!
So your child is coming into senior high school years and you’re perhaps starting to realise that as well as being a stressful, important and daunting time for them, it will be a big year for you as well. In my experience as a student, friend, brother and tutor, I have been on and seen… Continue reading Parent’s Survival Guide – How to Remain Sane & Supportive!
Social Purpose & Function in VCE English Language
Difference Between Social Purpose and Function in VCE English Language! In this article, I will aim to demystify both ‘social purpose’ and ‘function’ in VCE English Language, with both terms causing some confusion amongst English Language students. Some teachers have been saying that they’re the same thing, while others say they’re completing different. When I… Continue reading Social Purpose & Function in VCE English Language
How to Teach Soft Skills to Students
What are soft skills and what makes them so important? Soft skills are often also referred to as ‘people skills’ or ‘emotional intelligence’. The term basically refers to a person’s ability to get along well with other people. These are in opposition to ‘hard skills’, which are skills that are easily quantifiable, such as data… Continue reading How to Teach Soft Skills to Students
Discussing Discourse Particles and Their Importance in Conversations
Hello everyone, here is my article for March. After chatting to clients, I have decided to devote this article to discourse particles. Discourse particles are particularly important when discussing informal conversations in Unit 3 Area of Study 1, however they can be confusing. Depending on the context in which they are used, discourse particles can… Continue reading Discussing Discourse Particles and Their Importance in Conversations
Overview of Face Needs for Unit 3
Hello everyone, I hope that you have settled into a good routine for the year and that you have been finding English Language (and your other subjects) stimulating and engaging. With your first assessments probably coming up, I thought that I would write about a concept that has been given greater importance to the course… Continue reading Overview of Face Needs for Unit 3
Learning To Work Smarter, Not Harder
Your success in the final years in school relies upon a very important aspect: how well you manage to organise your time. The very highest scorers do well not just because they are naturally intelligent and focused; they know how to manage their life in the most efficient way, and most importantly, to maximise their… Continue reading Learning To Work Smarter, Not Harder
Preparing for your first English Language SAC
Hey guys, here is my article for March, which focuses on preparation for your first English Language SAC. A lot of this advice is pretty transferrable and will apply to your other SACs (for English Language and other subjects) as well. As most your first English Language SACs will be to do with informal language… Continue reading Preparing for your first English Language SAC
How To Approach A Close Passage Analysis Essay
One of the biggest shocks students faces when they begin the study of Literature is the moment when they are first handed three passages from a text and told to write an essay. Faced with a wall of text, and what seems like very vague instructions, this task can often seem daunting, or even overwhelming.… Continue reading How To Approach A Close Passage Analysis Essay