Hey all! As we approach the end of Unit 3 AOS 1 (informal language), that means we now approach the start of Unit 3 AOS 2 (formal language). With holidays being one week away, it’s now a good time to do some reflection and self-assessment: What went well this term? What didn’t go so well… Continue reading Introduction & Examples To Formal Language
When Should I Start Studying for Exams in Year 12?
Knowing the right time to start studying for exams is something every dedicated student worries about, and unfortunately, there is no one single answer. However, there are some general guidelines that should definitely help you make the right decision! If you’re in year 11 doing only year 11 subjects; This is your last year before… Continue reading When Should I Start Studying for Exams in Year 12?
What To Do After High School Finishes?
6.32am. I’m awake. Of course, I’m awake, ATARs are released in 28 minutes. 6.41am. I need over a 98 to keep all of my options open… Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten drunk at that 18th in September that one time. 6.45am. I’m resolved to be happy with whatever I get… although I will be disappointed… Continue reading What To Do After High School Finishes?
Male and Female Gender Differences in Language
The Main Gender Differences in Language Part of being successful in Unit 4 AOS 2 is knowing the differences in language between the two genders. In fact, in my opinion, Unit 4 AOS 2 is the shortest AOS and most students comment that the content studied in this AOS has already been learnt before. This… Continue reading Male and Female Gender Differences in Language
VCE English Language – ‘Doggos’ to Replace ‘Dogs’!? What!?
READ MORE HERE: https://nypost.com/2017/12/29/dogs-may-soon-be-called-doggos-per-the-dictionary/ As we begin to head into 2018, I just want to bring to the forefront the idea of informal language and how informal language such as slang can indicate affection and social solidarity in an online context. In particular, I came across an article a few weeks ago on how ‘doggos’ is… Continue reading VCE English Language – ‘Doggos’ to Replace ‘Dogs’!? What!?
The Nature And Function Of Conversational Strategies
We are already halfway through term 1, so that means students are starting to move towards their first SAC for the English language (if they haven’t had it already). Bearing this in mind and realising that a very high percentage of these tasks have a focus on spoken language, I thought I’d very quickly discuss… Continue reading The Nature And Function Of Conversational Strategies
What Are The Different Types of Learners?
Schooling is often presented in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ kind of manner – it’s very difficult for teachers to tailor teaching to a variety of styles. However, there’s a good reason why this doesn’t work for everyone: there are different learning styles. Different learners have a set of unique characteristics, which directly influences the ways these people… Continue reading What Are The Different Types of Learners?
Techniques for Analysing a Visual Text
The first section of the HSC English paper one requires students to analyse and answer questions on a range of texts, including poems, book extracts and visual texts. A visual text simply refers to some type of image, which can take the form of book covers, paintings, posters, movie frames, photographs and more. Typically, every… Continue reading Techniques for Analysing a Visual Text
The Importance of Practice
You only get out what you put into the VCE. Almost all of us have heard some variation of this idea from our teachers, tutors, parents and even friends. In this instance, what you are expected to ‘put in’ is hours of study and hard work. So why is it that two students who spend… Continue reading The Importance of Practice
Increase Your Knowledge by Reverse Engineering Work
VCE English Language – Reverse Engineer Your Work & Increase Your Knowledge! FIRSTLY, WATCH MY VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/ewHdQKpA0S4 In today’s post, I want to express to you how you can reverse engineer your learning and BECOME the teacher/assessor for a brief moment. What I mean by this is that rather than be prescribed set questions by a… Continue reading Increase Your Knowledge by Reverse Engineering Work