Life After VCE – Is An Arts Degree Worth It?

In defence of the Arts degree: flexibility and change during life after school When I left school I wanted to be ‘like, a serious literary writer’. I was a self-confessed literature snob who raved about Jane Eyre, and turned my nose up at young adult fiction (sorry Hunger Games). I had harboured aspirations to become… Continue reading Life After VCE – Is An Arts Degree Worth It?

Knowing When It’s Okay to Chill Out During Year 12!

That is the question. And the answer? Relax! I know, I know, this is a controversial topic to bring up among year 11 and 12 students. These are two very big years for you; you should be working hard, acing all your SACs, aiming to get an outstanding ATAR, pleasing your teachers and parents. You’ll… Continue reading Knowing When It’s Okay to Chill Out During Year 12!

Language Learning: Interview With A Trilingual Person

Nadia is trilingual: she speaks Japanese, Spanish, and her first language is English. I interviewed her to give some personal insight into language learning for those in school who are looking for ideas, or need some inspiration! When did you start learning new languages, and why? Let’s see… so I first started learning Spanish in… Continue reading Language Learning: Interview With A Trilingual Person

Categorised as General, VCE

Why Your Perfectionism is a Problem

It’s the cliché (and usually insincere) answer to a job interview question, “So… what’s your greatest weakness?” Perfectionism might seem like more of an advantage than a hindrance, but believe me, it definitely can be a problem. Aiming for perfection inevitably leads to disappointment. So what are some ways that perfectionism is obstructing your success?… Continue reading Why Your Perfectionism is a Problem

Categorised as General, VCE

Hacks To Get The Most Out Of Studying in Year 12!

Whenever we hear the word ‘study’, we tend to picture the likes of Hermione Granger, who is always seen with her nose in a book, pouring through pages and pages of information. Or we see her holding a quill and a bunch of parchment, hastily writing the most detailed of notes, continuing to add to… Continue reading Hacks To Get The Most Out Of Studying in Year 12!

HSC ENGLISH ADVANCED: Outsmarting the Modules One by One – AOS Discovery

What are the modules? How are they different? Why is it important to know? How can I work with the system instead of against it? English Advanced is often a blur at the best of times. With its vague expectations of verbose and analytical answers – it kind of makes it hard to work out… Continue reading HSC ENGLISH ADVANCED: Outsmarting the Modules One by One – AOS Discovery