Tips for Supporting Your Child in Year 11 and 12

Parents go pretty unappreciated. Through all our teenage years, they suffer through our headache-inducing whining, our innumerable bad decisions, and the joy of being an unpaid chauffeur to every party. But honestly? I couldn’t have gotten through Year 11 and 12 without my parents and their support. To all the parents out there: you underestimate… Continue reading Tips for Supporting Your Child in Year 11 and 12

Will anyone care about your ATAR in a year?

The short answer: no. When you’re in the pressure cooker of year twelve it can feel as if this single number, which you are expending so much of your energy to attain, will define your life. But here’s the good news: I can, as someone who’s had an ATAR for two years now, can 100%… Continue reading Will anyone care about your ATAR in a year?

You Can Procrastinate And Study – At The Same Time

The word “procrastination” originally meant “to put off until tomorrow”. Now, it is a word most students will be very familiar with. In the midst of exam period, the urge to turn away from study altogether is strong, with mobile phones, social media and friends often distracting factors. However, if you manage to integrate (very… Continue reading You Can Procrastinate And Study – At The Same Time

Categorised as General, VCE

WACE Tips and Tricks

Grade twelve ATAR exams may well be some of the most intensely stressful period of your life this far. This article will provide you with some ideas on how to reduce your school stress, and how to organise your workload. Sleep! A basic need for humans, sleeping will allow you to more easily concentrate on… Continue reading WACE Tips and Tricks

Categorised as WACE