The Best Ways To Study Maths

During my school years I have always heard people complaining about the difficulties of studying mathematical subjects. Indeed, mathematic subjects can be challenging, because in order to acquire a good score, you have to not only understand the concepts and techniques, but also do a lot of practice to improve your calculation accuracy, which can… Continue reading The Best Ways To Study Maths

Your Fears are an Opportunity

Oral presentations. The pressure of getting good grades. Drama or music performances. Auditions. Exams. There are many causes for stress and nerves during school. Although this can prove a crucial stumbling-block for many students, what many fail to recognise is that fear actually can provide an opportunity. On a physiological level, the reaction occurring in… Continue reading Your Fears are an Opportunity

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What Is Context & Why Does It Matter?

In this article, I am going to be demystifying the term ‘context’… it seems to be thrown around a lot with students in VCE English Language and it seems that many students don’t understand this crucial concept underlying all of our communications. It’s very important you understand what context means simply because it could be… Continue reading What Is Context & Why Does It Matter?

VCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE – Why do we use slang? This article is primarily written for Unit 3 AOS 1, although the ABC article sourced for this article can also be used for Unit 4. As we continue to move through 2018 and start to get back into the swing of things, students of English language need to continue to find real-life examples to… Continue reading VCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE – Why do we use slang?

Categorised as VCE

Tips for Short Answer & Analytical Commentary

As we commence the start of the school year for 2017, I just want to publish a quick article to all new English Language students for 2017 on how they succeed in their upcoming SACs – be it short answer or analytical commentary. I’ll leave essay for the moment and dedicate a future post to… Continue reading Tips for Short Answer & Analytical Commentary

What to Expect as a First-Year University Student

The leap from high school to university is a big one. It’s also a move which can be daunting, especially because most people entering university are coming straight from 13 years of schooling. So what are some of the changes you should expect? Look forward to different-style classes From lectures, to workshops, to tutorials, to… Continue reading What to Expect as a First-Year University Student

Categorised as General, VCE

The Importance of Mindset & Self-Awareness

As I begin to commence my lessons for 2017 with new (and amazing!) EL students, I think I’d like to bring to the forefront the notion of mindset and self-awareness in not just English Language, but also VCE as a whole. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: Those who do well in VCE English Language know their… Continue reading The Importance of Mindset & Self-Awareness