How to Reduce Exam Anxiety

Exam anxiety is an issue so many students deal with. People experience this at different levels: some students deal with nervousness before assessments, but are not incapacitated by this, while others experience much higher anxiety and find themselves dealing with extreme fear or panic in exam situations. Of course, it might be impossible to totally… Continue reading How to Reduce Exam Anxiety

Categorised as General

Comparing Australian English to American and British Englishes

This article will discuss some of the key characteristics of Australian English, as compared to other Englishes from around the world. American English: One key distinction between Australian English and American English in terms of orthography (spelling) is the use of, ‘s,’ as opposed to, ‘z.’ For example, in America, words such as, ‘specialise,’ ‘authorise,’… Continue reading Comparing Australian English to American and British Englishes

Categorised as VCE

How to Speed Read

What is one thing you could do that would help you in any subject? What’s a simple strategy that could improve your speed in tests, and as a consequence, your results? Learn to speed read. Speed reading is an underrated skill which allows you to get through content at a much quicker pace. Think of… Continue reading How to Speed Read

Categorised as General, VCE

AFTER ATAR – University Enquiries

University. It must seem like such a strange and weird place to you right now. There must be so many questions going through your head; Which university? What course? What about payment? And the list is endless. I must admit, it is a very daunting process. But don’t you fret because I am here to… Continue reading AFTER ATAR – University Enquiries

AFTER ATAR – Finding the Best Fit at University

So you’re finally finished with high school and ready to move on to university. Well, the next couple of months are going to be filled with excitement. The most important thing you need to do now is finding a study plan that suits your needs. Each university offers flexible study options to accommodate each individual’s… Continue reading AFTER ATAR – Finding the Best Fit at University

Exam Date and Essay Structures

Hello everyone, here is my article for July, which will discuss structuring your essays. Essays are the most common way that Unit 4 is assessed, and section C of your exam is also an essay, which is worth 40% of your mark for the exam (30 marks out of 75). Before discussing essays, I would… Continue reading Exam Date and Essay Structures

Categorised as VCE