It’s Not Too Late to Start Revising!

Ah it’s already the 2nd week of the holidays and you’ve realised that you have not done much studying except spending time watching Netflix or trying to get your live-streaming of the World Cup working on your Optus mobile app!

But never fear it’s not too late to start hitting the books. Here are just some of the things that you could be doing from now and until school starts again:

  1. Finish making your notes for Unit 3 – by now you would have completed Unit 3. Use this time to either finish or put the finishing touches to your notes for Unit 3. You don’t want to spend your time at the end of the year making notes when you can better spend that time doing practice exams instead.
  1. Start doing practice questions for Unit 3 – if you have finished making your notes then you can start doing some practice questions relating to the topics you learnt in Unit 3. Unit 3 makes up 50% of your course and will definitely be in your end of year exam. Now is the time to be consolidating your knowledge on those Unit 3 topics. The best way to know whether you understand the topic is to do questions.
  • When school starts again in a couple of weeks’ time, you should aim to keep on revising on Unit 3. Try to do a few questions a week to keep your Unit 3 memory fresh and alive in your brain!
  1. Get a head-start on Unit 4 – if you are feeling confidant and have some time on your hand, start looking ahead to what you will be learning in Unit 4. You have access to your textbook and most likely your teacher’s guide on how they are going to teach for the rest of the year; use that you get ahead on your readings.
  • It is more important that you use your time to revise on Unit 3 than try to learn ahead. When you go back to school, your time will be spent on Unit 4 and nothing much on Unit 3. It is better that you try to consolidate your Unit 3 knowledge now and don’t wait until exam time to revise Unit 3.

All in all, it’s not long now until the end of year exams, so your almost there. However, make sure that you take some time to do things that not only relaxes you but also look after your physical and mental health. Mental health issues among VCE students are high especially in the lead up to SACs and most importantly the exam. If you are not feeling well make sure that you speak to someone you trust and can offer you the help and advice you need.

Good Luck!

If you loved this article, you will LOVE all of our other articles, such as: How To Take Notes To Maximise Success2U Maths Tips from a Past Student (98 in 2U Maths)! and Tips on Studying for Exams – Learnmate Tutoring.

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