Getting through high school can be an incredibly challenging time. Adding to the tough mixture of stress from schoolwork and drama in friendship groups and social circles, is also the ever-developing identity – high school is a pivotal time in the development of self. The first aspect of one’s personality to suffer from all of… Continue reading The Importance of Personal Development
Month: April 2021
HEALTH during the HSC
Have Enough Sleep At least 8 hours of rest each night is essential for students maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This can be enhanced by having a set wake–up and bed–time each day. Removing technology from the bedrooms is also effective, as students should aim to turn off devices 30 minutes before they sleep. Often before… Continue reading HEALTH during the HSC
What are the Benefits of Online Tutoring?
The decision to engage a tutor is a big one. It involves bringing someone new into your life to help you achieve the goals that are important to you. In addition to finding a tutor that is the right fit, you will need to decide how to engage with them – in-person, or as is… Continue reading What are the Benefits of Online Tutoring?
How to Maximise Online Lessons for Tutors and Students
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, services worldwide are adapting to survive, from universities to supermarkets to cafés. Similarly, when it comes to tutoring, there are necessary changes to be made in order to reduce any possible risk of in-person transmission. This is an unsettling situation for students and tutors alike as they navigate… Continue reading How to Maximise Online Lessons for Tutors and Students
End of Unit 3 VCE Chemistry – What should I be doing?
The end of year exam as you would all know covers both Unit 3 and Unit 4, and so it is vital that you do not forget your Unit 3 knowledge whilst you are completing Unit 4. Therefore, what are my tips for students wanting to keep that Unit 3 knowledge alive in their mind?… Continue reading End of Unit 3 VCE Chemistry – What should I be doing?